November Fest 2011

Photos from November Fest 2011 are shown below.

November Fest 2011

Sue Troise hangs auction quilts.

Sumi Maruyama and Hiroko Moriwaki hang labels on auction quilts.

Odette Osantowski hangs her contribution, "Falling Leaves from the Rogue".

Jane and Tom O'Reily deivered baskets.

Hiroko Moriwaki and Sumi Maruyama hang Jan Hirth's "Cabin Batik".

Julie Maben helped set up for the auction and sell tickets.

Hiroko Moriwaki, Lyndy Dye, Leslie Butterworth pin labels on the auction quilts.

Hiroko Moriwaki, Lyndy Dye and Leslie Butterworth.

Penny Soldin came to set up the auction.

Kathie Bellamy helps to set up the Fest. She publicized the Fest so well, we had a record number of guests.

Judy Dunlap helps with set up.

Marjie Butterworth, Sue Butsko and Sheri Hill set up.

Marcia Faultersack admires the baskets.

Carolie Malenius and Marcia Faultersack.

Sue Richardson attaches the "chance" bags.

The scene.

Sue Butsko in charge of ticket sales, instructs Sheri Hill and Diane Collins.

Diane Collins.

Nancy Ota and Diane Collins.

Guest Norma Fiorello.

Lyndy Dye and Barbara Trulis.

Ticket sellers Julie Maben, Diane Collins and Connie Veldkamp.

Greeters, Helene Moser, Membership VP, Betty Collins, Barbara Ward, and Bette Bradley.

Irmgard Terbrack greeting guests with programs.

Mary Gorelick collecting for Philanthropy.

Mary Gorelick, Vivien Hawker and Judy Dunlap at the Workshop table.

The scene.

President Joann Bishop and Chief Chef LeAnn Goettel.

Auctioneer Lyn Mann entertained and gathered bids.

Del Thomas and Nancy Ota with Del's new purchase," Ellen's Magical Spring".

Auction Cashier Cindy Croucher, Sumi Maruyama and Del Thomas.

Chef LeAnn Goettel and crew and many guild members combined their efforts to produce a fabulous lunch.

LeAnn's menu: From the top, Bastilla, Greek salad, Orzo and apple cake with cinnamon cream.

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