November Fest 2010 Opportunity Baskets

Photos of the Opportunity Baskets available at the November Fest 2010 are shown below.

November Fest 2010 Opportunity Baskets

Pin Money by Threads of Friendship, created by Lyndy Dye. $150 cash, 31 6" squares of money fabric, 9 fat quarters.

The bottom box has 5 new and 34 partial spools of Madeira thread, scissor charm. Members include, Bambi Comer, Suzanne Stanton, Cindy Croucher, Sue Bentley, Cheri McDowell, Kris Kouzelos, Shirl Benda, Sue Butsko, Laura Christy, Sandy Corbin, Lyndy Dye, Maggie Ezell, LeAnn Goettel, Jan Hirth, Kar Hofmann, Candy Martin, Joan Mauri, Sharon Milledge, Nancy Ota, Pat Pardoen, and Barbara Trulis.

Close up of Pin Money, see the shirt and pants, elephant, and flower dollar origami.

Bow tie and heart dollar origami by Paul Dye.

Japanese items; Kiruto No Otomodachi, Sumi Maruyama, Yachi Monarrez, Hiroko Moriwaki, Nancy Ota.

Japanese items; Kiruto No Otomodachi, Sumi Maruyama, Yachi Monarrez, Hiroko Moriwaki, Nancy Ota.

Japanese items; Kiruto No Otomodachi, Sumi Maruyama, Yachi Monarrez, Hiroko Moriwaki, Nancy Ota.

Japanese items; Kiruto No Otomodachi, Sumi Maruyama, Yachi Monarrez, Hiroko Moriwaki, Nancy Ota.

Opportunity Baskets lined up for identification label by Nancy Bloyer.

Kathie Bellamy checking out the baskets lined up along the hallway of the workhouse.

"Pink" basket containing, among other items, the pink quilt book and pink cook book donated by Rosie's Calico Cupboard. Also visible, one of the hand made 8" tiles designed with Ellen Heck designs.

A few more baskets.

Hand embroidered sewing machine cover by Joann Bishop and other wonderful tools and supplies.

See the colorful fabrics.

Del Thomas created Simply Red with help of friends, Carole Bassett, Claire Bell, Mei Yuan Kuo, Helene Moser, Nancy Ota, Sharon Pembrook, and Back Porch Fabrics in Pacific Grove, CA. Too many items to list, red wristwatch, red mini iron, CocaCola bear, over 25 different red fabrics, red rotary cutter, pens, thread, yarn, notecards, calendar from Japan, patterns and books.

Americana Books.

Ellen Heck donated 10 hand made tiles made from her original designs. Seven tiles are in opporunity baskets.

This is a close up of an Ellen Heck hand made tile. 8" x 8". It may be used as a coaster, trivet or wall plaque.

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