General Meeting June 2012

Photos from the general meeting in June 2012 are shown below.

June 2012

Membership VP

Membership VP Sharon Pembrook and Jeanne Tavasci.

Barbara Ward

Barbara Ward, Betty Collins, Bette Bradley, Sharon Pembrook, Jeanne Tavasci.

Jo Hutchinson

Pianist Jo Hutchinson.

President Jan Hirth.

Monthly Mini

Monthly Mini Sue Troise and Phyllis Parente.

Sue Richardson

Sue Richardson and Marjie Butterworth.

Hospitality Chair

Hospitality Chair Marjie Butterworth.

Show and Tell

Show and Tell Wendy McCalley and Linda Rigdon, Angela Irish and Nancy Gasparotti.

Show and Tell

Lunch Coordinator Hiroko Moriwaki, Friendship Groups Marsha Faultersack.


Barbara Christensen and Barbara ???

Workshop Chair

Workshop Chair Julie Vlahos, Jan Ritchie and Barbara Seidel.

Margo Grube

Margo Grube enjoying Past Prez Joann Bishop's quilt.

Lorraine Taylor with the Busy Bear Opportunity quilt.

Block of the Month, Nancy Ota and Odette Osantowski.

Wounded Warrior Quilts Kathy Bellamy.

Wounded Warrior quilts.

Wounded Warrior quilts.

Recycled magazines Victoria Crayne.

Past Block of Month Chairs Sue Troise and Phyllis Parente awarding $100 to winner Priscilla Hackbarth for her completed top.

Fest Chair Sharon Whelan.

November Fest Auction chairs Kathy Archard and Jan Ritchie.

Philanthropy Chair Mary Gorelick.

Workshop Chair Julie Vlahos and Jan Ritchie.

New VP Programs Vickie Janis, outgoing VP Programs Judy Dunlap, President Jan Hirth.

Speaker Jan Steffen and ???

Speaker Jan Steffen.

Monthly Mini Phyllis Parente, Sue Troise and winner Diane Collins with mini made by Judy Yamazaki.

Sharon Pembrook.

Joann Bishop and Judy Dunlap.

Katy Lillie.

Linda Rigdon.

Hiroko Moriwaki.

Jackie Buck.

Wendy McCalley.

Nancy Gasparotti.

Charlotte Spere.

Mary Gorelick.

Angela Irish.

Monica Shafer.

Nafsi Martin.

Lyn McQuerry.

Lyn McQuerry.

Joan Orris.

Judy Nunn.

Barbara Kaisersatt.

Odette Osantowski.

Barbara Ann Christensen.

Block of Month Jeanne Tavasci.

Block of Month Sharon Pembrook.

Block of Month Joann Bishop.

Block of Month Betty Collins.

Block of Month Judy Dunlap.

Block of Month Mary Gorelick.

Block of Month Vivien Hawker.

Block of Month Jan Hirth.

Block of Month $100 Winner Priscilla Hackbarth.

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